I was in Honduras a few weeks ago and the political tension was high. President Zelaya was making drastic changes that were upsetting the economy. He was raising the minimum wage up to incredible highs. You may think that this sounds great for the poor; however, their economy can't support it. Thus, the employers had to fire more employees. So, instead of making more money, they now make no money. Not dope. Zelaya then tried to change their constitution to remain in office, (something that happened in Costa Rica when I was there) the people and congress were getting restless. (note: the Honduran Constitution has been changed previously) Talks of a coup began. This all seems pretty straight forward, but it gets complicated. The US has a huge presence, including a military base, in Honduras.(wrong in my opinion) The coup was lead by Gen Romeo Vasquez who was trained at the US army School of the Americas. In my opinion this school is all about imperialism. It also seems that with such a large US presence the US would have know about the coup. Barrack Obama, (along with Hugo Chavez) has come out against the outing of Pres. Zelaya. I'm pretty sure Obama could have stopped it with a phone call or two, though that wouldn't have been right either. (non interventionism please) Seems like the US is riding the fence or playing for both teams here. I just want to know who really was behind all this and what the Hondurans really want. Anybody know? I just hope the Hondurans come out on top here, but judging from history they will get screwed.
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