Friday, November 7, 2008

The American Agenda

I just finished a film called "The War on Democracy" by John Pilger. It was pretty amazing and affected me deeply. This film discusses how the United States Empire has treated Latin America in the past 50 years. I was astonished. The United States has backed, directly as well as indirectly, several military coups throwing out democratically elected presidents and replacing them with dictators. "Go U.S.!" It has happened in Bolivia, Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chile, and Venezuela to name a few. The United States government and it's corporations don't give a rat's ass about democracy or freedom; all they care about is economic power. If a country becomes nationalistic and doesn't meet our economic agenda, we screw them over hard. I also watched a speech by John Perkins in which he discuss his role as an economic hit man. They basically make countries corporate economically or they take them out and replace them with someone who will. We need big change people and the key is education. (and probably ak 47s) What are your thoughts people? I want to know.


corryfever said...

so so sad

Dan said...

so I finally downloaded and watched it and I must say that I wasn't entirely convinced...

The movie uses the phrase "US backed" or "US supported" a lot, but it doesn't explain in what way our government has backed these groups, by sending them to a camp that teaches them to be peaceful?

I'm not saying that I don't believe the movie, but I'm a little bit skeptical.

I'm also a very skeptical of Chavez. "He has given so much to the people" where does he get the money and resources to fund all his social movements? Simple, he takes it from others. His socialist spending will pretty much bankrupt Venezuela, especially if gas prices remain low.

Anyways! Interesting movie! Makes me want to do some more research!

chase dee bingham said...

It is true what you say about Chavez, but you have to remember that the people DEMOCRATICALLY elected him and if we disagree that is just too bad, we can't manipulate it in any way. There are problems with the movie, but it makes you think and it is a different point of view that the bullshit media wont show. And that camp is far from a peace camp, we all know that.