I can't believe what I heard and read today about President Bush's trip to the middle east. Read the following from the Jerusalem Post: "Coinciding with Bush's trip, the Bush administration in Washington notified Congress on Monday that it would offer Saudi Arabia the chance to buy sophisticated Joint Direct Attack Munitions - or "smart bomb" - technology and related equipment, the State Department said. The administration envisions the transfer of 900 of the precision-guided bomb kits, worth US$123 million, that would give the kingdom's armed forces highly accurate targeting abilities.
The proposed deal follows notification of five other packages to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, bringing to US$11.5 billion the amount of advanced US weaponry, including Patriot missiles, that the administration has announced it will provide to friendly Arab nations, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said. Administration officials say the total amount of eventual sales as part of the Gulf Security Dialogue is estimated at $20 billion, a figure subject to actual purchases.
The arms packages are an important part of the US strategy to bolster the defenses of oil-producing Gulf nations, such as Saudi Arabia, against threats from Iran. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, which have majority Sunni Muslim populations, harbor deep suspicions about Shiite Iran's apparent designs to establish itself as a major power.
Congress already has been briefed on all the packages, which also include the sale of the navy's Littoral Combat system. Lawmakers mostly see the deals as critical to maintaining relations with war-on-terror allies. Some are opposed to the JDAMs portion out of concern that it gives Saudi Arabia the ability to attack Israel, but are unlikely to muster the two-thirds majority needed, within an allowed 30-day period, to block the sales."(italics added by the blog author) And this from the New York Times: "President Bush on Tuesday urged Saudi Arabia and other members of OPEC to consider the strain the high cost of oil was having on the American economy, addressing an issue that has begun to color the last year of his presidency and dominate the presidential election campaign." What the hell is that all about. Why are we in bed with Saudi Arabia? Is it to get control over oil? Is it to get Saudi Arabia to attack Iran? (the U.S. might need an ally when it attacks Iran, cause, unfortunately, that is most likely going to happen at the rate we are going) Saudi Arabia is not our ally. They have never fought a common enemy of ours. 15 of the terrorists in the 9/11 attack were Saudis, the attack was funded by Saudi money, many of the attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq are wrought by Saudis, not to mention they bailed out Citi Group financially, and have billions of dollars of investments in U.S. businesses. They own us. How can we just let this stuff happen? Granted I don't know all the facts regarding our connection with Saudi Arabia (please email with any insights, ideas, or facts) but I'm no dummy and I don't think that our dealings with them are very sound. I am not trying to say that all Saudis are evil, but we need to avoid strong ties. Trade with everyone and avoid strong alliances with any country. I feel like everything is just building up so that the U.S. can take over the entire middle east. What are we doing people!?
P.S. This entry was off the cuff and any specifics of facts will be investigated further this week and emails are appreciated.
(we need a revolution.)