Monday, December 17, 2007

First Time.

I was originally going to create my first post to describe what the purpose of this blog is, but I figure there are many purposes and due to a conversation that I had last night, I will just jump in. I was speaking with my cousin who is a soldier and did a turn in Afghanistan. I am pretty opposed to all forms of war, but I also realize that due to circumstances war happens and I thank my cousin and others like him who sacrifice their lives in the call of duty. That is not intended to be a rationalization, but a realization. Anyways, we got to talking and we bounced all over on different topics. From boarder control, socialist movements in Central America, to the war in the middle east. He gave me a very interesting point of view, and I guess that is the real point of this entry that we should all be more open minded and educated. My cousin told me that he had somewhat of a limited view on the overall situation, a small cog in a big machine type of view. He told me of the schools and roads they are building to get them on their feet and of the love the Afghans have for voting. I was pretty impressed. He also told me of the fact that the extremist laugh at the thought of our concern for the prisoners we detain, especially in Guantanamo Bay and that they have cut off limbs of people just for talking to Americans. Rather disturbing. The question is "why", what have we done to instigate such a hatred. My cousin and I also talked about Iraq and why the involvement. He had less of a qualified view than that of Afghanistan, but better than most. My main question to him, and to anyone really is this: to what end are we fighting? Are we looking to eliminate or rehabilitate all extremist? Will we fight terrorisms in all parts of the world? To what end are we fighting? That conversation just made me want to learn as much as possible. Too many people live their lives in ignorance without a concern of what goes on around them. No matter how thin cheese is cut, there are always two sides. We need to educate ourselves in these matters to better have a handle on whats going on. With that knowledge we can better demand things that will lead to progress. Complacency is death.

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